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Stupid Email Servers and Standards Ignored

Ok, I'm pissed.

Every time I need to deal with sending newsletters I end up dealing with a bunch of broken mail servers. These never return an error that is usable. I love my exim mail servers at least they know how to stick to a standard, I guess this is what also makes it a little harder for new admins to start handling email. I guess, if you don't know what you are doing please just stop and go away and leave our net in a working state...!!!!....

Ok, here is a group of messages that all say the user is over quota;

552 recipient storage full, try again later (in reply to RCPT TO command)
mta1.us4.out.int[] said: 552 recipient storage full,
host smtp.zip.com []: 552 RCPT TO: Mailbox disk quota exceeded

smtp;552 5.2.2 This message is larger than the current system limit or the recipient's mailbox is full. Create a shorter message body or remove attachments and try sending it again.
host mx1.mail.km.ru []: 500 Mailbox full

"User mailbox exceeds allowed size: user@dom.com"
This message was not delivered because it would put the account over quota.
Sorry, user is over quota. vpopmail (#4.2.2)
The user(s) account is temporarily over quota.
could not be delivered to user at 16:44 EST on 21-Nov-05 because the recipient mailbox is full.
domain is over quota

Error 01373: User's Disk Quota Exceeded. Sorry, your intended recipient has too much mail stored in his mailbox. Your message totalled 14 Kbytes. However a small (< 1Kb) message will be delivered should you wish to inform your recipient you tried to email.

Error transferring to mx3.BMOGC.NET; Maximum hop count exceeded. Message probably in a routing loop. Maximum hop count exceeded. Message probably in a routing loop.
554 this message has already been here

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