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Turkey Dance

Turkeys also became more active lately, in the park and along the road. Also Keath discovered the new method to wash car.

Keath, Kodiak and I were heading to Santa Ynez river. Then noticed the birds on the side of the road, one of them looks soooo proud of his display. He was showing off his beautiful display to 2 female turkeys. All other boys were standing about 20 feet away from him and cheering him, doesn't it sound familiar? It really looks like bunch of teenagers try to get attention of girls. Go boys!


At the river, we (especially Keath) enjoyed driving through stream. Thrills! About 5-foot wall of water around the car every time we crossed the river. Just like movie "Twister". I thought Keath is having fun making big splash. Actually, what he was trying to do was - washing down our dirt-covered Geo. Here's one of car wash picture. I hope Keath can give us comment about his new discovery.

Click to watch video

One more picture. Kodiak is preparing for his next big story. Kodiak encountered a ground squirrel!! Kodiak thinks he can catch the little guy. He thinks the target is within his reach (about 15 feet?). Nahhhh. By the time Kodiak starts sprinting, ground squirrel will be 5 holes away and laugh at poor Kodiak sniffing an empty hole. Maybe, we hear another his glorious story some day.


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