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Good bye, Morro Bay

Morro Bay to San Benito
Sand Dollar
Today is the last day in Morro Bay. We really enjoyed nice and cool weather and beautiful scenery here. We stayed here only for 3 days so finish up packing pretty quick. Then, why don't we walk on the beach one more time? It's getting the low tide and we found a lot of sand dollars. Most of them are in good shape. Keath told me his mom used to collect these sand dollars and sell them at Venice beach. We got some good collections today. I didn't know that sand dollars could be in different colors. Here my collection has various color and size. I like it better this way than just plain white sand dollars.

Left Morro Bay after 10 am. Took #41 East to #101 North. Road conditions are good. A couple of 30mph turns to deal with, but those were easy enough for our 34-foot RV. (Thanks for safe drive, Keath)

I did check the gasoline price among the freeway we are taking in advance. It seems Salinas area has the best price. Average $3.15! WOW! Almost $0.10 cheaper than Valley. Someone told me that the gas price is more expensive as we go up north. I guess it's not true. Glad compare the price first. Good job, Mikki.

Hollow tree Thousand Trails San Benito park is located in the area kinda unexpected area. On the way to the park, we didn't see any "near RV park" sign. No big trees, no lake or river (there is a small reservoir), nothing! We just drove through farms, vineyards and golf course. Keath and I were wondering :is this park that good like other Rvers said?" But, you'll be surprised how beautiful and full of nature the park is once you get to the park! Big and old trees, many birds, rabbits, squirrels, deer, etc. Their newsletter mentioned to keep a camera handy at all times because the Preserve has large variety of wildlife and birds. That sounds great. I'll make sure to carry my old CyberShot with me wherever I go. Meanwhile, cell phone coverage is not that good. Cinguler – no good at all. Sprint – with booster, it works. Verizon – works best here.

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