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Setting a goal to make it through

Cancer changes everything...

For us life changed on Feb 8'th 2002 with Mikiko being diagnosed with breast cancer. The next year was now filled with meeting oncology doctors, surgeons, family flying in, surgery , back and forth form the hospital, chemotherapy, emergency rooms, more chemotherapy, more emergency rooms, back and forth form the hospital and more surgery.

At some point during the full days of chemotherapy, while sitting looking at travel magazines and talking about making plans for the future. I made a promise to Mikiko that I would sail her to those isolated sandy beach islands and we would have the adventures along the way. We talked about how cancer has effected our lives with both of our mom's surviving breast cancer and my dad fighting with Lymphoma for 12 years before loosing.

While setting the goals of what to do after cancer were mainly to take us away from the dealing with what was happening, it set in motion a bit of insanity.


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