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We had worked hard on creating a plan that would take over two years to transition away from the safety and comfort of stability.

In May of 2001 we started actively looking for a boat that would allow us to travel while learning the skills needed to make a sustainable life at sea. In late July we found a 52 foot cross trimaran that started life as one man's lifelong retirement dream project to sail the world. The man passed and his wife sold the mostly finished boat to two brothers that hired a really big crane to lift the boat from the backyard shed over the house and on to a trailer, and down the streets of Santa Barbra to the ocean. The brothers turned her in to the majestic trimaran Surrender, sailing her to Mexico, Hawaii and though the Pacific.

Mikiko and I fell in love with Surrender, it seemed to be the perfect boat matching our plans. We did the inspection and sea trial. We started all the loan papers and everything was going perfectly. Things were going well all around, we had new projects coming in at work. Then in the morning we got approved for the boat loan and the papers were faxed from the east coast sitting in the office waiting to be signed.

Then everything came to a sudden end, that morning was September 11'th 2001. The loan papers were faxed from one of the towers at the World Trade Center that did not fall, but everything was lost. The new projects at work were all put on indefinite hold, everything stopped, the whole world stopped.


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