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Sad News

Saturday night after a really rough week we needed to let Kodiak go.
He had been suffering from pneumonia, diabetes and a handful of other problems.

At the end Kodiak was peaceful, calm and Mikiko held him and let him know that he was loved by all.

Please remember all the good times you had with him and laugh and enjoy those memories.

Kodiak was a very smart dog that amazed us with his antics. When he was just a year old I really wanted the two of us to join search and rescue. So in the process of teaching him to search for his toy he turned the tables on us and hid his toy and made us look for it, this was all good except he kept glancing over at the toy to make sure it was still there.

If he didn't get an answer from one of us that met his desire then he would attempt to get a different answer from the other. He was very expressive and everyone was a little set back at the range of emotion he was able to produce with his eye brows, not to mention his head flip.

Kodiak will be missed by all that had the opportunity to know him.

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